Terms of use

Terms of use of the website hotellepenskivir.co.rs

By consuming the content presented on hotellepenskivir.co.rs, you accept these Terms of Use which are stated on it. On our website are presented the services offered / presented by the products offered by the hotel “Lepenski Vir” a.d. Pećinci, as well as a special section “Blog” with texts on current topics related to our business.


The texts on our website, as well as those within the “Blog” section, are the work of our expert team, original and may not be transmitted in part or in full without consent. If you get permission to upload content, it is mandatory to link to a specific text, which has been downloaded. The photos we use on the site are taken from certain publicly available services, where they are copyrighted.


The site of the hotel “Lepenski Vir” a.d is an informative nature. Hotel “Lepenski Vir” a.d. makes the most of all its resources so that all arrangements and offers on this site are displayed with the correct names, information, photos and prices. However, we cannot guarantee that all of the above information is completely correct. Please call us directly for the most accurate information.

Blog of the hotel “Lepenski Vir” a.d. includes texts whose goal is to inform and direct the reader to topics related to the hotel accommodation, as well as to present interesting local attractions. The texts are not intended to persuade or deceive readers.

Hotel “Lepenski Vir” a.d. hereby waives all possible consequences that may occur by using the content on the site hotellepenskivir.co.rs.


If you are interested in something, feel free to contact us